ANNAPOLIS, Maryland – Last year the Citadel planned a hockey tour of Scotland and England with a group of players from the Citadel and the Naval Academy. This year they are joining together again, with additional help from some other military academies, to plan a tour of Germany. The United States Military Academy, United States Air Force Academy, United States Coast Guard Academy and United States Merchant Marine Academy will be joining the Citadel and United States Naval Academy this year. More details on the tour will follow, as the details are still being worked out.
To kick off this year’s series, we are profiling each of the academies hockey programs. Each of the institutions was provided the same set of questions. Our second featured team is the United States Naval Academy.
Coach: Head Coach is Scott Steele
Name: US Naval Academy
D2 or D3? Division 2 ACHA (Might have to update this as we are looking at moving to the CHF or doing both leagues)
What league? The Atlantic Coast Collegiate Hockey League
How long has the program been in existence? The D2 team was founded in 2014 as an addition to the Navy men’s hockey program (Founded in 1970)
How many on average try out, and how many make the roster? For the D2 team we have averaged about 35 Mids trying out for our team. We have rostered 26 players in the past but do to locker room space it will be 23 players moving forward
What is the overall enrollment number for the institution? 4,500
Where are your games played? The McMullen Hockey, located on the campus of the United States Naval Academy
How many hours of practice per week? We practice 3 Hours
How many games do you generally play per season? We try and schedule 20 to 25 games per season
How much recruiting is done and how do you recruit? We will go out to some showcases tournaments but for the most part we let our ACHA D1 team do the recruiting
For the academies that have a D1 NCAA team, what are the differences in your programs, and does this help or hurt the club program? No NCAA team here at USNA
How many states do your players come from? I can update you when our Plebes come in but for the 2018-2019 season we have players from 13 different states
What was your record last year? Our 2018-2019 record was 7W-14L- 1T-1OTL
How many seniors graduated last season? 5 seniors but we will also lose players to our ACHA D1 team
What fund raising is done, by whom, and how can people donate? For our team fundraising isn’t easy as we are a government funded school. We have to collect dues from our players to help cover the cost of a season. Everything adds up between travel, hotels, tournament fees, Ref fees, ACC league dues and ACHA league dues. We are lucky that we get some help from the Midshipmen Welfare Fund and we don’t have to pay for our ice time at McMullen arena. The Academy also granted us permission to sell our jerseys to the Brigade of midshipmen which has also help reduce our costs
If you would like to donate directly to the Men’s D2 team you can:
Make a check out to “U.S. Treasury”
On the memo line write “Men’s Ice Hockey ECA”,
Mail check to: Comptroller-Gift Fund Division
181 Wainwright Rd
Annapolis MD 21402
To ensure the donation makes its way to the right place, the donator can also write a letter stating the money is intended for the Navy Men’s ECA Hockey Team.
All financial contributions are greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Please provide any other comments, thoughts etc that you would like everyone to know.
Good questions, I don’t really know where to go with this but I would like to say that I’m still astonished at what our Midshipman (and other Academy’s) do on a daily basis between schooling, PT, playing hockey and the other tasks each Midshipman must do. When the guys come to the rink it’s an escape from what’s going on at the Academy, it doesn’t matter if you are a First class Midshipman or a Plebe that time you get on the ice and to play a game you love is invaluable.
If you would like to follow us online, look us up on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram USNA Men’s D2 Hockey